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Trishanya Raju

Trishanya Raju is a 25-year-old hermit who was granted incredible powers of weirdness by the elders of her home planet, yet cannot tolerate spicy food, fruits, or fizzy drinks. Trishanya believes in aliens and magic and Nessie. She’s antisocial, names her electronic devices, and sometimes “accidentally” talks to herself.

Trishanya wrote her first book in the 3rd grade. She told her teachers about it, and they made her read it out loud in front of her entire primary school. She was so traumatized that she never showed her writing to anyone else until the 11th grade.

She is a self-declared geek and loves all things science fiction and animated. Trishanya hopes to buy a private island some day and retire with her dogs and lab-grown dinosaurs, away from the company of humans.